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RK1 Engines
RK1 Engines

RK1 Engines

RK1 is a 4-stroke engine developed specifically for karting.
The concept originated from the market demand for a simple and affordable way to step into the world of karting.
The purpose of the RK1 concept many people as possible to have fun on the existing motorized go-karting in the Netherlands and abroad. Karts equipped with the RK1 engines can run on any existing Dutch kart track (see pathways).
RK1 engines are suitable for almost every existing 4-stroke kart chassis. RK1 engines are used both for recreational purposes and for official matches.
We have chosen a quiet introduction to possible technical problems to cope and also to make adjustments. RK1 engines are no longer in a testing phase and consumers are ready. Meanwhile RK1 engines already proven a number of years. RK1 engines are perceived by the market as highly reliable.

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